Public Safety and Law Enforcement
Public safety is a critical issue that affects our communities, families, and economy. If we introduce interventions that eliminate the root causes of crime, we will all be safer and we will reduce the significant funds we spend on incarceration. By focusing on risk-prevention and rehabilitation, we can create a safer, more equitable, and just society where the need for law enforcement is a last, not first, resort.
Decrease gun violence through common-sense legislation and a focus on victims' rights. The single most important action we can take to increase safety in our communities is to reduce the number of guns on our streets and in our homes. We need to pass laws which limit access to military grade firearms, require safer handling of guns, mandate gun owner insurance, expand our red flag laws and hold counties accountable who do not enforce them, empower private citizens to enforce gun laws in court, and provide recourse for victims of gun violence against gun manufacturers and distributers.
Eliminate private, for-profit prisons and incarceration centers. No one should have a profit incentive based on incarceration. Eliminate private, for-profit prisons and detention centers and end compulsory labor.
Ensuring effective allocation of voter-initiated funding for police. We want our police to be prepared and equipped for the task at hand. We need to assess and plan where recent voter-approved funds should be spent in order to maximize their efficacy and efficiency instead of rushing to fund a mandate under our current budget constraints.
Police should be a last resort. We need to continue the work of hiring more trained professionals that specialize in non-violent de-escalation and in serving high needs or historically marginalized populations.
Focus on early intervention. We need to adequately fund mental health and substance abuse support, eliminate the school to prison pipeline, promote economic opportunities, and increase funding for school and community-based activities.